Crane Relocations

If you are moving or need to relocate any of your overhead lifting devices, Midwest Overhead Crane has the capabilities and technical expertise to assist. When moving a crane, it is extremely important to remember that a full crane system is more than just steel and bolts. Contained within the system itself is a web of complex wiring and sensitive controls that need to be accounted for and dismantled before a successful re-assembly can occur.

Our Approach for Crane Relocations

There are a number of steps to take before and during the move of an important asset such as a crane that will ensure the job goes smoothly.

  • Midwest Overhead Crane can help you evaluate the condition of your equipment before the move to determine if the cost of relocation is actually the most cost-effective avenue to take. In some cases, we are brought in to relocate a crane that is past its service life and the cost of repairs and upgrades are actually more expensive than purchasing new equipment.
  • We can help you prepare the new site for the relocation of an existing crane to determine if any building modifications or floor modifications need to happen before the move.  If needed, we can coordinate and bring in structural engineers with any calculations necessary.
  • We will help you with the plan for the disassembly of the crane and transport of the crane to the new site.  Depending on the move and the size of the crane components, we will help you understand if these assets can be moved in currently assembled groups or if it needs to be broken down and moved in pieces.
  • Lastly, we will work with you to put together a timeline and assembly plan to get your equipment into its new location. With relocations, a lot of times end users like to get the cranes into their new facility as a first step to help with loading and unloading of all the other pieces of equipment that will share the space with the crane.

Safe & Efficient Crane Relocations

A crane move involves a lot of considerations, but Midwest Overhead Crane will be by your side to make it safe, efficient and cost-effective. Please contact us to help you take care of your relocation from start to finish.