Industries We Service
Throughout the history of Midwest Overhead Crane, we have worked in every industry that has had a need for overhead lifting equipment and continue to serve across all of those industries still today.
All of the markets we serve are unique and our experience with each one allows us to be an effective partner when it comes to service, maintenance, upgrades, and system installation.
Supporting Your Unique Market
Midwest Overhead Crane is the Midwest’s largest crane service provider thanks to our attention to detail, best practices recommendations, and technician knowledge base.
No matter the application or industry, we can help provide you with options to fit your unique needs. Unlike others in our market, overhead cranes is the only thing that we do and we do it well.

Implement Dealers
John Deere, Case New Holland, Bobcat
When servicing heavy machinery, you need the right lifting equipment to be able to efficiently and safely pick up and place large objects with precision. Our team can help you decide on the equipment or services that are correct for your shop.
Injection Molding
ITW, Federal Mold, Metro Mold, Entegris
With years of experience serving this market, we have service solutions for small quick lifts or large cumbersome lifts that will allow your machines to be serviced and maintained correctly, safely and efficiently.

General Manufacturing
Graco, Cummins, BW Packaging, Wilton Precision
No matter what your requirements are for needing an overhead lifting system, we have the knowledge and experience to assist in maintaining or designing a system that reduces downtime and allows for increased production.
Assembly Plants
Federal Cartridge, John Deere, Case New Holland, Caterpillar
Safety and efficiency are the top priorities in supporting any production line and we have the versatility to meet any maintenance requirements your overhead lifting requirements and space would require.
Duluth Plating, Niko Products, Twin Cities Plating
Knowing the environment and conditions that any system are going to be used in is key to making the right choices for maintenance requirements as well as new products for both safety and longevity of those systems.